Increased Demand and Prices for Table Grapes
19 August 2020

The Australian table grape industry saw a significant increase in consumer acceptability, demand and prices just one year after Delytics helped the industry put new maturity standards in place. Nielsen data showed an average 10.1% increase in volume over the 2019/20 season and an associated 5% increase in price. Retail monitoring over the same time period recorded the highest consumer acceptability in five years with an overall consumer acceptability of 79%. This was a 20 percentage point increase from the 2016/17 season, the year before the project started.

Grower Enjoys Best Prices in Nine Years
30 July 2020

An Australian table grape grower enjoyed the best prices in nine years, a more consistent pick and steady prices throughout the season, after adopting the Delytics crop quality system.

We often get asked how the systems we develop benefit growers. I took the opportunity to ask grower Glenn Pearmine that question when I was visiting his vineyard in Central Queensland, Australia in November 2019.

In this video Glenn tells us how using our system made a positive impact on his business and what he is now doing differently …

Table Grape Consumer Acceptability at Five-Year High
27 May 2020

Consumer acceptability of Australian table grapes hit a five-year high, just one year after Delytics helped the industry put new maturity standards in place. Nielsen data shows increased consumer demand and prices over the same time-frame, which is exactly what the industry set out to achieve.

Boosting Eating Quality of New Zealand Navel Oranges
12 March 2020

Maturity standards recommended by crop quality specialists Delytics Ltd have significantly improved the eating quality of New Zealand navel oranges, over the past four seasons.

A Win for Consumers & Growers
1 February 2020

A three-year project led by Delytics has demonstrated how positive turnarounds can happen very quickly when maturity standards are set and followed across a whole supply chain. The Australian table grape industry agreed on new minimum maturity standards in November 2019 to increase the demand and consumption of table grapes. Since then, consumer acceptability at retail has risen to its highest point in five years.

Consumer-Centric Maturity Standards for Table Grapes in Australia
1 November 2019

Combining crop quality measurements with consumer preferences research has enabled Delytics Ltd to design science-based maturity standards for the Australian Table Grape industry to increase consumer demand.

Table Grape Minimum Maturity Changes Imminent
1 July 2019

Updates to the minimum maturity standards for Australian table grapes are expected to be finalised soon, following extensive industry consultation. A key objective of the proposed changes is to increase the demand and consumption of Australian table grapes by ensuring consumers have a consistently good eating experience, throughout the entire season. Maturity data analysed by Delytics from table grapes collected from farms, supermarkets and export over the past two seasons has provided science-based evidence to assist with the industry decision making.

Repeat Purchase Acceleration for Berries, Table Grapes and Cherries
22 March 2019

The ability to analyse the acid content of individual berries is enabling Delytics Ltd to help boost the repurchase rates of raspberries, table grapes and cherries.

Eminent Meat Quality Scientist Working with Delytics
23 February 2019

Internationally acclaimed meat quality expert, Dr Carrick Devine, is working with Delytics to help optimise the quality of meat.

Setting Standards to Ensure Table Grape Eating Quality
1 January 2019

Delytics is working with the Australian table grape industry to develop minimum maturity standards that are closely-aligned to consumer taste expectations. Grape maturity monitoring has been expanded for the project’s second season to ensure the decision is supported by as much science as possible. This was recommended by Delytics to provide a stronger evidence base for the industry to determine the best methodology to ensure consistently good eating quality.
