Harvest Predictions Valuable for New Zealand Navels
29 August 2018

The evidence-based harvest date predictions provided by the Delytics crop quality system are adding increasing value to the New Zealand navel orange industry.

Improving the Flavour of UK Raspberries
20 August 2018

Delytics Ltd is helping the globally recognised James Hutton Institute research organisation understand how to develop resilient flavour characteristics in raspberries that UK consumers will enjoy eating.

Science-Based Maturity Standards on Track for Australian Table Grapes
1 July 2018

Data collected last season has provided a greater understanding of Australian table grape variability, and allowed science-based recommendations to be made for updated maturity standards that will help boost consumer demand. The project team’s ability to measure the Brix, acid and liking of individual berries allowed them to calculate brix/acid ratio and the BrimA taste indicator measurement (brix minus acid) on the same fruit, which previously could not be done. 

Australian Table Grape Quality Improvements Underway
1 April 2018

Work is well underway to help the Australian table grape industry consistently supply consumers with great tasting fruit, right from the start of the season. Delytics has been contracted by Hort Innovation to lead a three-year project in collaboration with the Australian Table Grape Association. The project aims to increase the consumer acceptability of table grapes by measuring fruit maturity on-farm, at retail, and export; and identifying and setting maturity specifications that will enable the industry to meet market and consumer demands.

Clearance Process Scores Well for New Zealand Navels
11 December 2017

The New Zealand citrus industry’s ongoing commitment to working with Delytics to deliver consistently great tasting fruit has resulted in the majority of their navel oranges being liked by consumers in 2017, despite a challenging growing season.

Consumer Liking Prediction to Boost Repurchase of Berries
14 March 2017

The consumer liking prediction models developed by Delytics are helping berry growers take steps to increase the repurchase rate of their berries by predicting consumer response before harvest.
